Papeete Seafront
Papeete French Polynesia
Client: E.G.T. (Establishment of Major Works)
International Competition 1st Place
400,000,000 m²
Office: Si - AMA (France)
Core Team: Thierry Melot, LiGuo Li, Vincent Bertin, Phillipe Fabre
委託元:Si - AMA
主任建築士/主任設計士:Thierry Melot
面積:400 ha
Vital to improve a poor quality of life and essential to change a generally negative image that prevents Papeete from assuming its status and role as the island’s leeward tourist showcase and epitomizing the Polynesian myth, the guided light transit system and the resulting restructuring of the seafront represent the two essential tools needed to ensure Tahiti’s future economic development. The winning project, based on a radical proposal made by the consortium formed, has been extended by a study carried out for the construction of a dedicated public transport corridor. This solution represents the logical conclusion to the urban diagnostic and is the key to the site’s capacity to undergo a form of urban restructuring that, until now, has been blocked by real estate problems and a completely unmanageable level of road traffic.
コンセプト: ポリネシアにある神秘な島であるパペーテ(Papeete)は、観光都市として世界からの観光客を接待していますが、ゴムレール電車開発と濱海地域再建設方案は、現地住民の生活水準を高め、身分と合わせないマイナスイメージを変えるのに重要な役割を果たします。それはタヒチ島の経済発展を促進する、とても重要な二つの対策です。
Richard Bliah Associates
Soteira Bldg. 5F 10-6 Ichiban-cho,
Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-0082, Japan
tel +81-3-3239-1333
fax +81-3-3221-6510
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